Who are we ? Champagne Voirin-Desmoulins
The village of Chouilly, Grand Cru one of the 17 champagne communes among the 319 having this distinction, is located east of the city of Epernay, at the heart of the “Côte des Blancs” (Hill of the Whites), this named because it is the realm of the Chardonnay, the only white grape variety of the Champagne area.
The area of Chouilly produces champagnes that are full of intensity, with light and delicate flavors.
A family estate of RECOLTANT MANIPULANT (vineyard owner and wine maker) for more than 60 years.
Size of the vineyard : 9 hectares divided between the villages of Chouilly, Verneuil, Mont Saint-Père and Gland.
Grape varieties : Chardonnay (3 ha), Pinot Noir (3,5 ha), Pinot Meunier (2,5 ha)
Number of bottles sold every year : 50000 (on the estate and by mail order)
Wine grower at heart, we love our trade and are proud to present you with our wines from Champagne.